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  • Borrow up to $1,000,000

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  • Minimum salary required $7,000

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Get a personal tax loan in Hong Kong with just three quick and easy steps:

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1. Apply by filling out an easy application form in 2 minutes

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2. Compare personalised tax loan offers from multiple banks

Sign the agreement

3. Select your loan preference online and get your loan as fast as in one day

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Our goal is to make your loan application process quicker, simpler, and more transparent. As Hong Kong's only true personal loan comparison service, we support you all the way from application to disbursement. Whether you are looking for a personal tax loan in Hong Kong or need a personalised low-interest loan for all your expenditures, Lendela is the platform to help you get the best deal. Click below to read more about Lendela and how we empower thousands of loan-seeking Hongkongers every month.

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Tax loan in Hong Kong

Tax loans are a very popular service in Hong Kong. This article provides all the necessary information you need to know before applying for a personalised tax loan, as well as how to find the ideal loan for your specific needs.

What is a tax loan?

A tax loan is a kind of loan that is offered by banks and money lenders to help taxpayers pay their tax bills. In Hong Kong, tax loans are usually offered during the tax season, when taxpayers file their income tax and need to settle their taxes for the previous year. The tenure of a tax loan is usually 12-24 months— typically shorter than other loan types.

Usually, a tax loan in Hong Kong can be approved within a day. That means you can get the loan funds transferred to your bank account on the same day. Interest charged on tax loans can be lower than other types of loans, and people tend to opt for this loan because of easy and quick access to cash.

That said, each bank or tax loan lender has its own process, requirements, and offers, so it’s best to compare and review your options carefully using a trusted loan comparison platform like Lendela.

Different ways to finance tax debt/repayments:

Paying taxes on time is the best strategy, but sometimes you don’t have access to the cash needed. Also, if you have investments like time deposits, you may be better off taking a low-interest tax loan than losing money on investment income. Below are some of the ways to best finance your tax debt.

  • Instalment agreement: If you are unable to pay your tax debt in one go, you can sign up for an instalment loan with your bank or money lender. Instalment loans will help you repay your debt easily through monthly or yearly instalments.

  • Offer in compromise: You can set up an OIC with your bank or money lender if you are having trouble repaying your tax debts. The OIC allows you to clear off your debt in less than the actual loan amount owed. The bank or money lender will assess factors such as your income, expenses, and ability to pay before signing the OIC. Therefore, your offer can get rejected if a bank or lender realises you are unable to pay in the future.

  • Use a credit card: It's not a good idea to take another loan to pay for one. But if you are short on cash and can push your payments to a later date, then you can pay your instalments through a credit card.

  • Apply for a loan against property: To finance the tax loan, taking a loan against property can be considered a good option. Mortgages are comparatively low, and just like personal tax loans, home loans are very easy to get in Hong Kong.

How can Lendela help you to get a tax loan?

Lendela is an online loans marketplace with multiple banks and money lenders registered on its website. We provide easy access to various kinds of tax loans with the lowest rates possible from reputable banks and loan companies in Hong Kong. You can easily find and compare various tax loans and select the best loan without any charges. You can also get real-time tax loan offers from different banks and money lenders based on your ratings and profile.

At Lendela, you can easily borrow a tax loan up to $1,000,000. As an online marketplace, we ensure the best possible services to both the money lender and the borrower. We keep a strong check on both the borrower and lender before approving the loan listing on our website. The minimum salary required to apply for a tax loan is HKD7,000 per month.

How to apply for a personal tax loan:

Applying for a tax loan with Lendela is very easy, and it takes just a few steps to get the loan in your bank account:

  • Submit the application form: Complete the online application form and fill out all the necessary details such as name, identity card number, income, etc. This should only take a few minutes. Then, submit all the necessary supporting documents, such as proof of income, proof of residency, last notice of assessment and demand for tax, etc.

  • Wait for approval: After submitting the application form for a tax loan, you simply have to wait for approval, and your pre-approved offers will be displayed on your Lendela account page. Usually, banks in Hong Kong take around one working day to approve tax loan applications, provided that all the details are filled out correctly.

  • Disbursement of amount:Once you select and sign the offer, the bank will disburse the cash to your bank account in 2-3 days or directly pay your tax bills.


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What to think about before applying for a tax loan:

Financial borrowing is very complicated and can result in high debt problems. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the following before applying for a personal tax loan:

  • Interest rate: Interest rates in Hong Kong have generally been higher than in the past, so it is especially important to compare the different interest rates from banks and lenders before getting a tax loan.

  • Repayment period: Tax loans are short terms loans, and they typically have a repayment period of around 12-24 months. Interest charged on short-term loans is usually higher, so the loan amount payable can rack up to a high amount. You should thus check your income and expenses and choose the repayment period accordingly.

  • Annualised percentage rate: APR includes all the interest rates, management fees, other charges, etc. Make sure that you compare different tax loans and choose one with the lowest APR rate.

  • Borrowing amount: As the interest rates for tax loans in Hong Kong are usually lower than personal loans, the borrower might borrow a higher amount than needed. However, it is advisable that you plan very well the amount you need and where you are going to spend it. Extra borrowed money can incur a high cost and result in heavy debt payments.

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